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Dragon Eggs Combo: set of 10 decodable readers & workbook

RRP - $151.82   Our Price - $142.27  Set
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Clair Baker, Drew Wilson

  • Dragon Eggs Combo

Interest Age: 6 to 10

Decodable readers & workbook - Bella, the dragon, has lost all her eggs in a terrifying storm. Can Mina and Nat rescue them all for her? Find out what happens when the dragon eggs begin to hatch...

This decodable reading quest for younger readers features:

  • 10 books, each focusing on a different vowel sound
  • More text to develop reading fluency & build confidence
  • workbook of reading, spelling and comprehension activities and games linked to the stories.
Item MediaPrice
img_8975Dragon Eggs Combo
set of 10 decodable readers & workbook
img_1008861Dragon Eggs Series
Set of 10 books
img_2008976Dragon Eggs Activities
Literacy Activities and Games for Books 1-10
sample_2008976Spiral Bound$58.64Cart+